Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sunshine Coast Walk - Marcus Beach Dec 2013

I had planed on catching the bus to a certain high vantage point I noticed in passing but I got off the bus at the wrong stop... at Marcus Beach, 8-10 km from home.
I saw this sand dune from the top of the stairs....
A nice looking cover... but its probably classed as a weed.
Looking right, at the top of the sand dune... that blurry hill on the top  far right is Coolum, where I live.
Looking left....
Straight ahead, the Eastern Seaboard and Pacific Ocean; according to Wiki "The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south, bounded by Asia and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east. 165.25 million square kilometres (63.8 million square miles) in area"
This path runs through many coastal  towns, sometimes crossing the road and back again.
Looks frozen in dance... as if it was cavorting under the last full moon and suspended in dance when the new days sun peeped over the horizon.
Breaks in the coastal verdure always reward one with sparkling blue and crystal sand.
I came across this pretty face.... only to discover....
It was classed as a serious weed that overtakes from native plants. Shame.
Little ponds and wetland areas cover a lot of the lower regions...
Offering feeding grounds for herons and other birds and insects.
I saw lots of butterfly and a few dragonfly, but none were in the mood for a photo-shoot.
Wind-blow this tree may be, but given up on life because it gets a tad windy? Never!
Layers of green... shades of jade....
And a little jewel going in the center.
Remember... Water Is Precious... Don't Waste a Drop.
Because we can't drink this. Not in this form, anyway.
Lilly Pilly Fruit... a native plant that can be eaten.
Looks like Mother Nature is putting up her own fences.
Peace to all
Photos - SL Goodhand

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