Sunday, December 1, 2013

First day of Summer... From Dawns First Call to Evening Falls.

After a day of rain and wind, the first day of Summer dawned clear and blue.

The bush took a clean-washed vibrancy.

And flowers seemed a brighter hue...

Fresh water rippled in the overgrown creek...

Home to tadpoles, that weren't there last week...

Dragonflies glittered like red christmas lights

Fragile wings in filigree'd flight

Lotus-like blossoms in dreamy haze


Love-Bugs copulate, on this Summer day..

Pathways for pushbikes...

and bare feet alike...

crowds at the beach a familiar sight...

dappled shadows and coffee time

Far-reaching branches spreading wide

Free music in the park as day winds on

 Funky muso's share their song
Foot-stopming-hand-clapping... the rhythm is wild

Rain clouds gather, but no rains falls

First day of Summer... evening calls.

1- 12-13

1 comment:

  1. Greetings!

    If You Enjoyed My Walk... You may also Enjoy older posts featuring other Photo-walks I've Taken this Year.

    Peace to You, and Be Well... go for a walk.

    Sharon Lee Goodhand
