Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grateful for What I have - Scavenging Goanna's & Pandanus Possum

Grateful for What I have

It was brought to my attention recently, that I am lucky to have a view worth looking at;
lucky to have woods & beaches & bush tracks to wander in.

It was both humbling & grounding, although I don't think that was their intention, the person
who brought all this to mind.

I am lucky, in so many ways; I do live in what many would consider paradise. My income may
very low, but I don't go hungry, and with some careful saving I can enjoy a few luxuries.

After this brief but thought provoking encounter I felt so humbled that I just had to go out into the day and experience my surroundings with new eyes.

I wandered across the highway to the park, loitering under paperbark and tea-tree; I spotted a goanna about the length of my arm trying to reach something in a culvert near the path. He let me get within a few feet of him (or her), being more preoccupied with whatever was in the culvert.

Turns out it was a hunk of BBQ chicken someone had thrown away. Cooked meat is not the natural food of any animal but I was not going to wrestle it away from those teeth and claws.
Goanna's are natural scavengers; they eat road kill, eggs and small rodents.


After taking a few photos of the goanna I headed down through the park towards the sandy track in the far corner. I passed the yoga/contortionist dude in his usual place... in his usual contorted position. Always with his eyes closed.


The ocean was at the far end of the track and a narrow strip of coastal scrub made up mostly of she-oak and pandanus. I sat in my favorite spot on top of the dunes, under a small group of pandanus; there was always shade here and a great view of the ocean.


I thought about that passing comment, realizing it was a very true statement. I am lucky.
And now I am grateful for that truth, more than I was before.

As I write this I can hear the traffic on the highway out the front… I can hear the muted tumble as the not so distant ocean rolls up the moon lit sand… but I hear something too, a possum in the pandanus tree outside my window. I know it’s a possum because I have seen him scrambling around it, eating the pandanus fruit.
Today I was reminded to be grateful for what I have.

Peace and Hugs
Thoughts & Photos- SharonleeGoodhand

Monday, November 25, 2013

PhotoJournal – Sunshine Coast - Goat Tracks & Coastal Hills

Goat Tracks & Coastal Hills
Sharonlee Goodhand

Since I have explored this immediate area, walking along bush and tracks and beach, I thought I would wander further afield.

I caught the bus out of town, beyond the furthest point I have previously walked, getting off, after a short trip, at a random bus stop on a hill above the ocean. I couldn’t see the water at this stage, but I could faintly hear it over passing traffic on the arterial coastal highway.

To my delight I stepped off the bus at an interesting looking path… and what’s a girl to do, but follow and see where it leads.


The way we are facing, there is the highway, David Low Way, on the left
And coastal scrub on the right; I’m facing back the way I came and will make my way in a homeward direction.


I don’t know what these are… I did a bit of research and up blank. There are an abundance of plants that have small green berries and not knowing the ripe color, I couldn’t identify them on leaf shape.

As I suspected…. The path led to dirt track… in this case, leaf-strewn;
My feet crunched and crackled as I walked along…. And the sound of passing traffic
Faded in the distance.

Scattered carpets of leaf-fall drew my attention at every step; the air was richly imbued with tree-scents… woodsy, fragrant leaves, and decomposing organic matter… leaves and dead trees and fungi.

A few Grass Tree’s dotted the area. These grass trees grow a white flower spike from the center of the clump.  The flower spike can grow up to 2 metres high and is loaded with nectar.

The leaf-strewn path led on to a sandy path… still roughly angling towards the ocean, just visible through the twisted trees.

In parts the track came close to the coast, but I was yet to find another path leading down.

Onwards and forever onwards, lol….  The track started to veer in a downwards directions
Tantalizing glimpse of the ocean were visible through thinning areas of the bush.


And then I across this and realized the track was disintegrating rapidy. 

The view was worth the effort.

Down I go.

Of course, by now I could hear the oceans roar and breath in cool briny sea air.
I hadn’t seen a single soul and only a few birds so far.

I thought it odd how this tree seemed deliberately placed across a small ledge….

And found a little lean-to built on the side of the cliff.
There was even a candle in there and a rusty hammer, few empty bottles of beer.
Nice view from here.


The track gradually got worse… but that’s half the fun eh?

Agave with an ocean view.

Looks like a few  trees fell down at some point… but I can see the track stretching of on the other side, so onwards I go, over hill & dale & fallen trees lol.

And even here…. Deep in coastal scrub, reminders of the world of modern noisemakers.

Just when I thought perhaps this track ran along the coast and didn’t led down to a beach
I came upon this….

And somehow clambered down it…

 And at the bottom…. This is what I found…

The Pacific Ocean massaging weather-worn boulders ...

Geometric shapes decorated the landscape….

And tumbled onto the beach like excited children. 

A sure sign that someone’s been here before me.

Along this Coolum stretch of coastline small beaches are broken up by these natural walls of rock… from pebble to boulder to huge monoliths. 

I wandered along 2 of these small secluded beaches, clambering over the rock walls that separated each….

In parts a track hugged the rocky hill

The scenery never failed to impress...
I walked on until I reached a peninsula that jutted out into the waves…


I guess you could call this a hillslide eh?


And then I took a path that led straight up...

No leaf-strewn track this time…. Stairs that seemed to on forever!

…. Half way up I pause and turned to bid the ocean goodbye and was rewarded with a beautiful vista.

Peace & Greetings

Sharonlee Goodhand